Saturday, 19 March 2011


"Ask yourself: 'Can I give more?'. The answer is usually: 'Yes'."
-Paul Tergat, Kenyan professional marathoner 

 Really feeling the energy in the air today! 

Yesterday I ran twice.  I did 4.5k on my lunch break, and 5k after work.  I was worried I would feel like shit today, but I don't!  I was even up/out pretty late last night. 

I want to send out a special thank you to everyone who came out last night to support Japan!  $1 500 raised in one pubnight!  Magic was in the air...

I really smoked my 4.5k yesterday, running it in 22 minutes.  I tried to race a streetcar with a co worker on it back to work, but the streetcar won.  Next time, streetcar, next time.  *shakes fist*

Today I ended up wasting alot of energy trying to get through crowds of people on Bloor.  Next time I will run on the south side, or save this route for weekday runs.  I'm really enjoying this new route, since it has lots of hills (yes, I see that as a plus!) and I feel like I'm reall travelling

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