Tuesday 29 March 2011

Party and Bullshit

"Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible."
-Doug Larson

I hit another stumbling block in my training plan.  This time I was knocked out with a chest cold, hurray!  I have no problems running while sick, but this close to race day I need to make sure I stay as healthy as possible.  I may even skip my planned long run for today.  I will suppliment with a lot of walking as I have a million things to do today.

Speaking of errands, one thing I dislike about my sleep schedule is how I spend a lot of time waiting around for stores to open/people to wake up.  It's great on days when I have things to accomplish at home, but not so great on days when I need to leave the house.
Here is a picture of my baritone sax, Brimstone.  I don't play nearly as much as I'd like, but I hate practising when others are nearby, so I can only play when my landlord is not home. 

Also, it's been almost a year since the Most Epic Road Trip Ever.  Here is a giant shuttlecock to commemorate the occasion! 

One can never have to many giant shuttlecocks.

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