Sunday, 13 March 2011

"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. "
-Winston Churchill


Holy crap, am I ever excited.  I get to pick her up on Tuesday!

Yeah, she's kinda pink.  I wanted the red one but it was just too big.  I would have had to have the seat all the way down, and that's not ideal.  This bike is made specifically for women, so not only is the frame shorter, but the distance from the seat to the handle bars is shorter.  I actually think I may even raise the seat up a little more, but I'll see once the handlebars are rotated properly.  Right now they're tilted 'back' too far for me to comfortable reach the brakes.  Brakes are kinda important in the city.
I just realised the people at the store forgot to take the safety clip thingy off my gloves.  I think I can pry it off by Tuesday.
No matter how cool the helmet looks on the shelf, I will always look like a dork while wearing one.  My head is just not meant to look good in a helmet.  

This is my last large planned expense for awhile, which feels awesome.  My next big expense will be this fall, when I buy a roller to train indoors in the cold weather. 

This morning I was very confused as to what time it was.  I set half the clocks in my house forward last night, and then forgot that I had done so when I woke up.  Thankfully I realised what was going on before I showed up to work on hour early.  Then I went to go pick up a co worker and was an hour early.  Sigh, stupid DST!

I felt like I had no time to eat breakfast this morning so I made myself a delicious mug of mocha.

What a complete breakfast!

This was when I realised my clock confusion.  I then found the time to prepare 7 servings of what I suppose is muesli mix.  Raw oats, chia, flax, pumpkin seeds, raisins, and cinnamon.  I can just grab one and add some almond milk and be all set now.
With the almond milk it comes out to around 250 calories, so pretty close to what I aim to eat before work.  I would generally add blueberries to the mix, or maybe a banana.
Three more days until I can start running.  I am going to cheat and ride my bike on Tuesday if the weather is decent.  I won't go far, I promise!  All this inactivity is really bugging me.  
I've increased my daily meditation from two 45-minute sessions up to three.  That's given me a decent energy outlet, as well as a few side projects I've been working on.  I think I may be burning myself out a little, energetically.  With the equinox next week and Beltaine just around the corner my system is in overdrive.  

Still trying to remove this stupid security tag.  Any advice?

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