Thursday, 17 March 2011

Concerning Hobbits

"You also need to look back, not just at the people who are running behind you but especially at those who don't run and never will... those who run but don't race...those who started training for a race but didn't carry through...those who got to the starting line but didn't in the finish line...those who once raced better than you but no longer run at all. You're still here. Take pride in wherever you finish. Look at all the people you've outlasted."
- Joe Henderson 

I fell asleep on my couch last night and woke up at 3am.  I must have fallen asleep at 20:00.  That means I got 7 hours of sleep.  That's about 2 hours more than I usually get, so my body must be really worn out.

Breakfast this morning:

I know it looks like crap, but it was delicious.  I cubed up two potatoes and boiled them in salted water for about 15 minutes.  Then I sauteed them in a pan with an onion and some pumpkin seeds.  Once that started to brown (due to carmelization in the onions and the Maillard Reaction in the potatoes) I tossed in one red bell pepper.  Cooked that shit for 5 more minutes addings herbs and spices.  In the background I have an earl grey tea with vanilla almond milk.  Gangstaaaa

I'll hopefully find a way to post my training schedule up here later today.

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