Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Journey in the Dark

"Running is not, as it so often seems, only about what you did in your last race or about how many miles you ran last week. It is, in a much more important way, about community, about appreciating all the miles run by other runners, too."
--Richard O'Brien

My new bike is finally home!  She's soooo tiny.  I still need to make a few adjustments.  The dorky reflectors are coming off and being replaced with lights, and I need to push the seat back.  I'm also removing the toe clips.  They just don't work well with my VFF's.  One day I will invest in proper cycling shoes and clipless pedals.  Right now I'm still getting used to the drop handle bars.

I may have fallen off my bike after getting caught in the toe clips.  This may or may not have caused me to injure my left big toe.  That poor thing just can't get a break.  I blackened the toe nail (sexy, eh?) setting a 5k PR back in the fall (stupid streetcar tracks).

Dinner Monday night was a spinach salad with half a yellow bell pepper and some whole wheat pasta and organic tomato sauce from work.  It was uninspiring, but yummy.  I should be making a vegan curry today, or maybe a pizza. 

I locked myself in my laundry room yesterday by mistake.  It was terrifying.  I didn't have my phone on my or anything.  Thankfully I grew up in Scarlem, and have opened a few locked doors in my time.

This is my favourite hill in the whole world.  This picture cannot do it justice.  It starts off steady and then gets steeper and steeper if you stay on the sidewalk.  We used to not get along, this hill and I, but last fall I made him my bitch, and now we get along just fine.

Monday is my planned hill day, where I run intervals up and down him.  It's really fun when other runners are around as well!  Cyclists always look like they are in pain when climbing him, but runners look sort of happy, in a crazied, maniacal way.

My toe now has me even more worried about the Goodlife Fitness Half-Marathon.  I keep reminding myself that it's still two months away.  My 10k is less than 6 weeks away, so maybe that's what I'm secretly afraid of.  Distance doesn't scare me as much as speed.

 I'm thinking of switching my blog over to wordpress...

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