Thursday, 17 March 2011

"Anybody can be a runner. We were meant to move. We were meant to run. It's the easiest sport."
-Bill Rodgers

It was such a nice day I decided to do some junk miles through the park.  I did 3 hills and ran about 5k total.  Not bad for a rest day!  Tomorrow I am going to try running twice in one day and see how my body responds.

Back to my run.  My whole body was sore when I got home from work and I was tired.  I wanted to run.  The sun was calling me.  I felt really strong on each interval, keeping my steps light and springy.  I've adjusted my breathing down to a 2-2 pattern on uphills.  I do a 3-3 downhill and on flat ground.  I like odd numbers because I've heard that breathing in and always stepping with the same foot can lead to side stitches.  I'm not sure if it's true or not, but I seem to have a system that works.

This was also my first true run in my Bikilas.  No socks or anything!  Sizing down made such a huge difference.  I don't have any hotspots or soreness on my soles, and feeling the wind on my ankles was refreshing.  I overdressed a little, going out in shorts, a t-shirt, a sweater, and gloves, when really I should have just been in a long sleeved shirt and no gloves. 

I was feeling some tightness in my left calf this time, and I think it may be due to my left toe being hurt.  My form may have been off yesterday, which put too much stress on the muscle.  Live and learn.  I paid close attention to my form today.  Only once (at the top of my third hill) did I really start to feel my heart pound.  I was worried my cardio-vascular system would be out of shape, but it seems to be right where I left it last October. 

I've figured out that I can run on my lunch break by just taking my running gear to work and changing.  In this weather I won't get sweaty, plus I wouldn't be running more than 3k or so.

"Run Free!~"
-Caballo Blanco 

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