Saturday, 30 April 2011

"In running, it doesn't matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, 'I have finished.' There is a lot of satisfaction in that."
-Fred Lebow, New York City Marathon co-founder 

It's been awhile!  I just felt like I had nothing to blog about.  Anyway, all that has changed and now I have lots to blog about!

Tomorrow I am running my first race of my Spring season.  It's a 10k, and I'm really gunning for a PR.  This time I've studied the course really well.  It's mostly downhill, but there is a small and steep hill right around the 7k mark I believe, and I think it's going to surprise a lot of people.  There is also a bit of a long slow climb around the 2k point.  I'm hoping to use these as a way to gain some time.  Running uphill is the one thing in running that I'm actually slightly good at.  I love hills. 

All packed for tomorrow!  When I go on trips, I pack light, when it comes to racing, I pack heavy.  This is only a small sample of the crap I am lugging with me tomorrow.  I'm also taking real clothes, a sweater, a jacket, two types of hat (one for rain, one for cold), food, a back up pair of shoes (in case someone robs me for my shoes on the way to the race), and sunglasses.  Okay maybe that isn't too bad after all.  I should take gloves as well.

Other than running I have also been gardening.  Despite the fact that I get next to no sun in my small section of yard, I am determined to turn it into a wicked veg garden/chill spot.  Think two large muskoka chairs surrounded by plants.  It's gonna be epic.  If I can grow anything.

Right now my bathroom is acting as a nursery for the seeds and sprouts.  In the green plastic containers you can see my lettuce going insane.  I might keep them inside.  I am also growing three types of pepper, catnip, chamomile, thyme, parsley, basil, chives, and I am hoping to plant a redcurrant bush as well.  If you look closely in the lower left you can see my aloe plant.  He's an evil bastard, but he's growing like nuts, so I can't complain.

Fuck, I need to go grocery shopping.  I promise I will have a full race recap up tomorrow.  I'm hoping to catch a glimpse of some elites!

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